My Very First Wig

The proverbial ‘they’ say evening is a time of reflection. I, on the other hand, find the wee hours of the morning before sun up to be my time when thoughts flood through my head. I love the quiet solitude where nothing demands my interaction. Even the pups lay down and continue to snooze.

This morning I reflect on the time that I had purchased my very first wig. It must have been 25 years or more. At that time in my life, I had been through a divorced and worked a second job to make some extra money. My hair being what it had always been, was fine and thin. What the heck! Let’s have some fun!

There was a local wig store, Merle Norman’s, in the strip mall near my home. As I recall, the place was somewhat small, but the walls were lined with a variety of wigs. The lady in the shop was very receptive and helped me make a couple of selections.

Because I had always desired long flowing hair, I went for a long, straight, blonde wig. Oh! How delightful! And for good measure, I picked out a somewhat wavy, chestnut brown one, as well. Both would become the headpieces of future Halloween costumes.

I remember the excitement I felt and the anticipation of wearing this new hair. My first appearance was at an orchestra rehearsal. I walked in and proceeded to get ready. I was of course approached by a number of my fellow musicians. ‘Oh my! Look at you!” “What have you done here!?” ‘You look so different!”

I hadn’t prepared myself for the questioning looks and comments. I now felt so very self conscious. I wanted to leave. But, being the only Viola player in the orchestra, I had no choice but to stick it out.

My confidence was deflated and I felt that I had humiliated myself. I packed both wigs away at the back of my closet and wouldn’t consider wearing one for another 25 years.